Thanks for visiting Dreamydoodles Northwest, if you'd like to be notified about our vailable puppies and upcoming litters...
Please fill out the form below to subscribe to our litter notification list.
Unlike a lot of Breeders wedon't like to keep LONG waiting lists. We understand a lot can happen in 6-12 months, just look at this past year!
We'll only start adding names to a "litter list" if we have a confirmedpregnancy or available puppies
The first 6-8 families who reply back to our litter notification emails will be the families who will be added to the new "litter list(s)". So everyone has a chance!
No deposits required for the litter or mailing list!
Families don't make their first payment until after they've picked out their puppy, puppy picks are done at 6 wks old.